.before you follow. i can be very expressive in my messages ! i am very unaware of tones in text so if i take a message the wrong way im really sorry !!! i also create random nicknames... i dont mean it in a bad way i just do it aahhh !!! 3:
.dont follow if. -14 / +25, basic dni criteria, anyone who makes illness/parentless jokes, anyone who vents without promission, nsfw/proship etc accounts.

ā‰” I Love Them !!!

.MOST IMPORTANT. SHINee įŸ” CHUU įŸ” ghost n pals įŸ” sonic įŸ” lili n lun :3

.ą«®ā‚ Ėƒ ā¤™ Ė‚ ā‚Žįƒā™”. part crashers įŸ” slmccl įŸ” matpat įŸ” dollightful įŸ” teto kasane

.OTHERS. stars įŸ” jellyfish įŸ” fictional blondies įŸ” silly cat face :3:3

likes Ā”!

ocs / danmei / hoyo, omori, crk, pjsekai, sonic etc / webnovels / nge, bsd, pmmm etc / shinee, chuu, illit, red velvet, yukika, p1h, zb1, txt etc..

dislikes Ā”!

eyes, horror, homo/transphobes, ableists, racists, graphic gore, nsfw, animal cruelty, throwing up, liars.